Wildwood Lakes Breeze 2020 Q2


We hope everyone is doing well during these interesting times! If anyone
could use help with grocery shopping or anything else, please don’t hesitate
to email us. Also, please note that next weekend’s spring cleanup is
cancelled, page 2 has some ways folks can pitch in on their own.

Current Priority – Dam Face – UPDATE:
Here’s the status: Rob has worked with 9 companies to seek solutions/bids
for the repair of the dam face. The Board has a recommendation to put to the vote of the members at the next all-member meeting. The bid is for $50K which we will not have the funds for until next summer. Rob will ask the company to come to the next meeting to explain the science and take

• 2019 taxes have been completed and filed! Thanks Chris!
• Mowing Common Areas: Several Board members have volunteered to
mow all sections on the west side of the lake. We will continue with the same
service for the east side of the lake – 2x/month. This will save money
towards the dam face.
• New “no trespassing” signs made with HOA contact info. DONE! (see
picture on left)
• We now have a Member Directory on our “Google Drive” – for those who
were ok with sharing their contact info within the HOA we’ll figure out how
best to do that.
• New Member Welcome Packet – new members to Wildwood Lakes will
now receive a welcome letter with pertinent information, the bylaws and a
fruit basket or potted flower.
• Website upgrade – make it more interactive and find a cheaper webhosting
solution – still in the works. This will hopefully include an on-line
payment option for annual dues.
• An “upcoming events” sign will be installed at the entrance soon.
• The latest copy of the HOA bylaws will be emailed with this newsletter.

• Please contact us with ideas for content or helpful information.

What in the world are these pictures on the left? HOA Member Pete Corpeny is
currently working to restore the health of the upper lake. We do have fish, but we
currently have a below average (for a lake this size) largemouth bass population. The
lake has good inflow and outflow, but one of the main problems as far as fish are
concerned is the lack of habitat – things like plants or structures in the lake. These are
necessary for protection of bait fish and for reproduction. We don’t necessarily want
to add plant life as that can quickly get out of control. Previous members have done
research and obtained information from the conservation department on how to
create suitable man made structures for the fish – Pete has taken that information
and with his own research and knowledge of fish ecosystems has begun making
various structures that you see on the left. They are durable and safe for the
environment. The next most important thing is to introduce bait fish such as bluegill
and minnows in order to sustain the existing bass. We can eventually introduce
crappie but that is at least 1-2 years away as we need to get the bass population
healthy and (re)productive before we introduce an additional predator species. Please
note that in a lake this size, crappie will reproduce (given the right habitats) but
catfish will not. So, if we ever decide to stock catfish “what we stock is what we get”.
So here’s the steps to revitalizing the lake, and how you can get involved if you’re

What’s the goal?
1) That eventually families can fish with their kids or grandkids right off a dock and
know that they can catch something.
2) Increase the number of dues-paying assoc. members who enjoy using the lake.